
Main Stage + Profit and Purpose

8:00 早上

9:00 上午

10:00 上午

11:00 上午

12:00 中午

1:00 下午

2:00 下午

3:00 下午

4:00 下午

5:00 下午

6:00 晚上

7:00 晚上


8:00 早上 - 9:00 上午

Welcome to Country

9:00 上午 - 9:15 上午
Uncle Allen
Jannawi Dance Clan

Welcome to Summit

9:15 上午 - 9:30 上午
Dan Bourchier Dan Bourchier

Opening Keynote + Q&A

9:30 上午 - 10:20 上午
Craig Foster AM
Dan Bourchier

Let’s Check-in

10:20 上午 - 11:00 上午
Jane O’Brien
Mel Geltch

Morning Tea

11:00 上午 - 11:30 中午

Lessons from the 'E'

11:30 中午 - 12:45 下午
Emma Watton
Georgia Whitbread
Sarah Breavington
Melissa Edwards


12:45 下午 - 1:45 下午

Social Employment & Procurement

1:45 下午 - 3:00 下午
Emma Watton
Dr Karina Davis
Kate Graham
Nicholas Stirling

Afternoon Tea

3:00 下午 - 3:30 下午

Stream Insights

3:30 下午 - 3:45 下午
Dan Bourchier Dan Bourchier

Graphic Artists Discussion

3:45 下午 - 4:00 下午
Pat Grant
Sarah Firth

Social Impact and the Arts

4:00 下午 - 5:00 下午
Dan Bourchier
Dr Georgie McClean
Jon Blackburn
John O’Mahony

Session Recap- Visual Artist

5:00 下午 - 5:15 下午
Pat Grant
Sarah Firth

Networking Drinks

5:15 下午 - 7:00 晚上
People and Communities

8:00 早上

9:00 上午

10:00 上午

11:00 上午

12:00 中午

1:00 下午

2:00 下午

3:00 下午

4:00 下午

5:00 下午

6:00 晚上

7:00 晚上


8:00 早上 - 9:00 上午

Morning Tea

11:00 上午 - 11:30 中午

Building Resilient Communities through Commoning

11:30 中午 - 12:45 下午
Molly Kendall
Alison Michalk
Mark Thompson
Roz Palmer


12:45 下午 - 1:45 下午

From Apathy to Action: Tackling Post-COVID Inequality

1:45 下午 - 3:00 下午
Royden Howie
Wendy Field
Gavin Findlay
John Craven
Clementine Johnson

Afternoon Tea

3:00 下午 - 3:30 下午
Collective Transformation

8:00 早上

9:00 上午

10:00 上午

11:00 上午

12:00 中午

1:00 下午

2:00 下午

3:00 下午

4:00 下午

5:00 下午

6:00 晚上

7:00 晚上


8:00 早上 - 9:00 上午

Morning Tea

11:00 上午 - 11:30 中午

Impact Through Creative Communities

11:30 中午 - 12:45 下午
Dr Christen Cornell
Caitlin Marshall
Jodie Wainwright
Dr. Jen Rae


12:45 下午 - 1:45 下午

Care Economy

1:45 下午 - 3:00 下午
Mark Jones
Gillian McFee
Laura Cowell
Layusa Isa-Odidi
Dr Edgar Liu
Matthew Caruana

Afternoon Tea

3:00 下午 - 3:30 下午


Social Impact Summit is Australia’s only cross-sector gathering of senior leaders from the social, corporate and government sectors dedicated to the ‘S’ in ESG. Together, we’re creating a fair, just and inclusive Australian society.

Now in its second year, Social Impact Summit connects leaders from the public, private and social sectors, and is unique in its commitment to advance cross sector collaboration via shared values, disruptive ideas and community building.

Explore our two-day program packed with workshops, panels and opportunities to meet the people making meaningful change.


Dan Bourchier
Dan Bourchier
Australian Journalist & Television Presenter ABC News
Craig Foster AM
Craig Foster AM
Author, Broadcaster & Human Rights Activist
Alison Michalk
Alison Michalk
CEO & Founder Quiip
Angkana Whiley
Angkana Whiley
Executive Director and Data & AI Practice Lead Bluebird Advisory
Annette Tesoriero
Annette Tesoriero
Co-Founder & Co-Artistic Director Shoalhaven Health and Arts
Arti Agrawal
Arti Agrawal
CEO & Founder Vividhata
Caitlin Marshall
Caitlin Marshall
Creative Practitioner & Founder MakeShift
Cara Wood
Cara Wood
Social Value Lead Greater Sydney Transport for NSW
Caroline Dimond
Caroline Dimond
Senior Manager - Design Participation and Inclusion Neami National
Dr. Chad Renando
Dr. Chad Renando
Research Fellow, The Rural Economies Centre of Excellence University of Southern Queensland
Chloë Spackman
Chloë Spackman
CEO Next25
Dr Christen Cornell
Dr Christen Cornell
Research Fellow and Manager, Research Partnerships Creative Australia
Clementine Johnson
Clementine Johnson
Social Impact Lead KWM
Dr Cressida Gaukroger
Dr Cressida Gaukroger
Lead: Wellbeing Government Initiative Centre for Policy Development
Dr Edgar Liu
Dr Edgar Liu
Researcher and Cultural Geographer UNSW
Dr Elissa Farrow
Dr Elissa Farrow
Futurist & Strategist About Your Transition
Emma Watton
Emma Watton
Strategy & Programs Shared Value Project
Georgia Whitbread
Georgia Whitbread
Executive Manager, Social Impact IAG
Dr Georgie McClean
Dr Georgie McClean
Executive Director of Development & Partnerships Creative Australia
Gavin Findlay
Gavin Findlay
CEO New Zealand Food Network
Gillian McFee
Gillian McFee
Program Director Care Together
Hanna Ebeling
Hanna Ebeling
Ingrid Burkett
Ingrid Burkett
Professor and Director Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation
Jannawi Dance Clan
Jannawi Dance Clan
Jane O’Brien
Jane O’Brien
Member-Owner Percolab Co-Op
Jen Simpson
Jen Simpson
Managing Director All The Best To You
Jodie Wainwright
Jodie Wainwright
CEO Milk Crate Theatre
John Craven
John Craven
Executive Officer System 2
Jon Blackburn
Jon Blackburn
Chief Financial Officer Sydney Opera House
Joel Pearson
Joel Pearson
Director Future Minds Lab UNSW
Dr. Katherine Trebeck
Dr. Katherine Trebeck
Political Economist, Writer
Dr Karina Davis
Dr Karina Davis
CEO Jobsbank
Kate Graham
Kate Graham
Chief Executive Officer Gippsland Women's Health
Kerry Grace
Kerry Grace
CEO + Founder Evolve Group Network
Dr. Jen Rae
Dr. Jen Rae
Co-founder & Creative Research Lead Centre for Reworlding
Kira Day
Kira Day
Policy & Advocacy Manager B Lab
Kylie Daniels
Kylie Daniels
National Community Development Manager Beyond Bank
Laura Cowell
Laura Cowell
CEO Tender Loving Care
Laura Glynn
Laura Glynn
Executive Officer SIMNA
Layusa Isa-Odidi
Layusa Isa-Odidi
Partner Dalberg Advisors
Hip Hop Artist, Writer
Louis Mokak
Louis Mokak
Director First Nations Futures
Lydia Turda
Lydia Turda
Innovation & Design Coordinator Neami National
Dr. Marc Levy
Dr. Marc Levy
Founder & Chair Right Lane Consulting
Mark Jones
Mark Jones
CEO ImpactInstitute
Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
CEO Beehive Industries
Dr. Martin Farley
Dr. Martin Farley
Managing Director Creating Preferred Futures
Matthew Caruana
Matthew Caruana
Mental Fitness Facilitator
Mel Geltch
Mel Geltch
Member-Owner Percolab Co-Op
Melissa Edwards
Melissa Edwards
Director Research and Innovation UNSW Centre for Social Impact
Molly Kendall
Molly Kendall
Communications & Business Development Officer The Co-Op Federation
Nick Grinpukel
Nick Grinpukel
Social Impact Practitioner UTS Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion


2. 七月 - 3. 七月, 2024